Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nepotism in New York, part 2

Big story in today's Watertown Daily Times.

It appears that Mr. Aubertine was so excited to be the new Senator of his district that he left his ethics at home... The Watertown Daily Times reported first, and we here at UGOB raised questions next, that Aubertine has hired his sister and that it could raise state ethics questions. Interesting how Aubertine voted for the bill in the NYS Assembly which prohibits the hiring of family members. Is this story over or does it have some legs?

What a difficult week for Mangione to balance! Our next question is: Can you knowingly hire a communications director that does illegal drugs? Is there a law/ethics rule against that?

At any rate, we'll take the credit here for our posting on Wednesday, April 23. Good thing the Albany Correspondent was on top of the ball, Jude Seymour was just going to gloss over it.

UPDATE: We try to stay as balanced as we can here at UGOB! Today, the managing editor of the Watertown Daily Times, Mr. Bob Gorman, notified us that Jude Seymour does not cover the Albany political beat. That distinction goes to the reporter who did end up covering the story, Tom Wanamaker. We apologize that we "speculated" Jude Seymour was glossing over Mr. Aubertine's ethics violation.

We are confident that the Watertown Daily Times will see to it that Debra Wiley does not get paid by the New York State taxpayers for the week she did work as Mr. Aubertine's constituent relations pro.

Aubertine's sister quits as liaison
RESIGNATION ACCEPTED: Reform that the senator voted for in Assembly prohibits hiring family members

ALBANY — State Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine, D-Cape Vincent, said Monday night that his sister, Debra A. Wiley, Cape Vincent, has resigned her position as a constituent liaison in his office.

Ms. Wiley was appointed to the post last week, but a statement issued by Sen. Aubertine's communications director, Drew G. Mangione, said questions on whether the appointment followed state law prompted the senator to investigate the propriety of the move. The questions were posed Monday by the Watertown Daily Times.

In a statement, Mr. Mangione said: "Earlier today, Senator Aubertine became aware of a situation involving the employment of his sister, Debra A. Wiley, in his Senate office. After reviewing the appropriate policies, Debra has submitted her resignation and our office has accepted it."

Ethics reform legislation enacted in the early months of former Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer's administration generally prohibits the hiring of family members by sitting members of the state Legislature.

Section 73, subdivision 14 of New York's public officers law, adopted in March 2007, reads, in part: "No statewide elected official, state officer or employee, member of the Legislature or legislative employee may participate in any decision to hire, promote, discipline or discharge a relative for any compensated position at, for, or within any state agency, public authority, or the Legislature."

Exceptions may be granted for people with "a physical impairment," or for "the temporary hiring of legislative pages, interns and messengers."

The measure passed the Assembly on Feb. 14, 2007. It passed the Senate on March 7, 2007, and was signed into law by Gov. Spitzer on March 26, 2007.

Then representing the 118th Assembly district, Mr. Aubertine voted in favor of the measure.

"This was the proper course of action once we became aware of the potential conflict in this situation. Sen. Aubertine has been a longtime supporter of government reform and accountability and will continue to fight for strong ethics laws in Albany," the statement concluded.

Mr. Aubertine represents the 48th Senate District, which includes Jefferson and Oswego counties and part of St. Lawrence County. He took office March 3 after defeating Assemblyman William A. Barclay in a special election Feb. 26. The election was held to replace former Sen. James W. Wright, who resigned.

Times state editor Perry White contributed to this report.


  1. Wow, great job on calling them out UGOB. I read your first post on this last Wednesday and was suprised that it didn't get more traction earlier on.

  2. You guys make me sick - you are proud that you got Wiley to resign? That is just taking it too far.

  3. That's pretty impressive for a new blog. Congratulations.

  4. Did Wiley even have to go for an interview... how much was she making? If Aubertine can't recall a bill he voted FOR about a year ago how can we trust him to represent us in Upstate NY? What a fraud. He's a Jim Wright wanna-be.

  5. Spitzer probrably wrote these ethics... and still Dangerous Darrel couldn't follow them. What a creep!

  6. Dear UGOB:

    In checking our referring domains today, I found that one person had come to the Watertown Daily Times Web site through your site.

    In connecting to the link that came to us, I came across your "take" on our story regarding the sister of Sen. Aubertine. I noticed you speculated that: "Good thing the Albany Correspondent was on top of the ball, Jude Seymour was just going to gloss over it."

    As managing editor of the Times I will explain the process of who writes Albany-related stories for our paper. I will type slowly so as not to lose you:

    Our Albany reporter covers Albany issues. A story about a state senator in Albany and his hiring practices violating state law is going to be written by our Albany reporter. Not our Jefferson County reporter, Jude Seymour. Or our Watertown reporter. Or our business reporter. Or our sports reporters.

    We follow the same concept with our Washington, D.C., bureau reporter. Congressman John McHugh turns up in more of Marc Heller's stories than the stories written by our reporters in Watertown.

    I hope this has been helpful for you. It’s a big world out there and life can be confusing.

    If you need any more information on how newspaper reporters with assigned beats cover their assigned beats, please give me a call.


    Bob Gorman
    Managing Editor
    Watertown Daily Times
    260 Washington St.
    Watertown, NY 13601
    315-782-1000, ext. 2359


    "Tosach catha agus deire air"

  7. Mr. Gorman,

    I appreciate your enlightenment on who covers which beats for the WDT. We are just a small blog with very few contributors who write about whatever they want.

    The reason for the speculation in the beginning was that Jude had written the original article on Aubertine's staff additions on Tuesday, April 22. (See article below in WDT by Jude Seymour.)

    We here at UGOB only figured that since she did the original piece she would be the appropriate writter to follow up. Looks like we were wrong!

    Nevertheless, thanks for the response and for the great paper you edit. UGOB is a big fan! Please don't hesitate to contact us in the future through the comments section or via e-mail at upstategoodoldboys@gmail.com if you would like.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Mr. Thomas Nast of UGOB

    PS - Readers: please contact us if you would like to cover a specific beat in the future.

    Senator makes additions to staff
    AUBERTINE OFFICES: Former Times writer runs communications
    TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2008
    State Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine, D-Cape Vincent, announced five new staff hires Monday, including the appointment of a former Watertown Daily Times political reporter as his communications director.

    Andrew G. Mangione, Watertown, who worked at the Times from July 2000 to May 2006, will start his new position Monday.

    Mr. Mangione, 29, graduated from SUNY New Paltz in 2000 with a degree in journalism. Before joining the Times, he interned at the Legislative Gazette, a weekly paper dedicated to covering state government. In addition to politics, he covered Jefferson County government while at the Times.

    The senator also has added D. Lee Willbanks as legislative director, and Katherine L. Doe, Watertown, Kathryn K. White and Debra A. Wiley as constituent liaisons. Mrs. Wiley, Cape Vincent, is Mr. Aubertine's sister.

    Mr. Willbanks, Limerick, is a retired attorney who specialized in environmental law. He recently worked with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Jefferson County. Mr. Willbanks is married to Judy Drabicki, the state Department of Environmental Conservation's Region 6 director. He joined Mr. Aubertine's staff March 3.

    From his Assembly staff, Mr. Aubertine retained chief of staff Edward G. Gaffney, Dexter, and constituent liaisons Kathleen A. Finucane, Dexter, and Dianne T. Baker, Cape Vincent. Susan Donnelly is the senator's Albany office manager.

    The senator's Watertown office is on the fourth floor of the Dulles State Office Building, 317 Washington St. The phone number is 782-3418. Mr. Aubertine's Albany office is in the Legislative Office Building, Suite 608. The number is 1 (518) 455-2761.

    Mr. Aubertine represents the 48th Senate District, which includes Jefferson, Oswego and St. Lawrence counties.

  8. Well it sort of looks like Jude Seymour did gloss it over on the first go. Maybe no one thought it was illegal at first. I mean, Mr. Aubertine certainly didn't know it was illegal (even though it looks like he voted to make it illegal).

    What good are ethics rules if no one even knows they exist? Were the Democrats pushing ethics to win cheap political points? I THINK SO.

  9. I love Aubertine's spin on this one.

    His statement reads, "This was the proper course of action once we became aware of the potential conflict in this situation. Sen. Aubertine has been a longtime supporter of government reform and accountability and will continue to fight for strong ethics laws in Albany"

    You know who else was a strong proponent of government reform and stronger ethics? Yep, it was yours truly, Eliot Spitzer.

    It is funny that Aubertine said, "...once we became aware of the potential conflict in the situation..." As if he wasn't aware that his actions were straight up nepotism to begin with. Notice also how he didn't use the words, "conflict of interest." So his sister couldn't get a job and he found a way to pay her though the NYS taxpayers. How is that different from any other Democrats general line of thinking?

  10. Spin? I would like to see NYS law on this one. If Aubertine broke ethics rules what are his consequences? There has to be something more serious than just some newspaper/blog story!

    I wonder what happens next.

  11. some controversy here. i guess since she's no longer working for darrel, he thinks it won't come up during his next election. if the guy is making these kinds of rookie mistakes how can he represent us well in Albany?

  12. This is perfect ammo for Wright

  13. This guy is nothing but trouble obviously. You don't need ethics rules in the Assembly or Senate to tell you it is wrong to hire your family for positions of influence for elected offices.

  14. Gorman sounds kind of crude.

  15. Darrel is definitely not ready for prime time. To wit, the legislature's only working farmer gets elected to the Senate and then doesn't ask to be placed on the Ag committee? (He was subbed in after this bone-headed move came to light.) Now, he goes ahead and hires his sister after voting to stop nepotism in taxpayer-funded hiring.
    The Daily Times first reports the story as an "open for business" story by, that's right, Jude Seymour, who the editor tells us doesn't cover Darrel.
    What color is the sky in the WDT newsroom's imaginary world?

  16. When is someone going to question "Perry White's" impartiality since, besides directing State News coverage for ther WDT, he is also an anonymous blogger who previously endorsed Darrel Aubertine for Senate (after his newspaper backed Will Barclay)?

  17. When the mice are away the cats will play. Aubertine thought he could slide this one past the goalie, but his communications person totally let the cat out of the bag. Straight up nepotism in northern NY politics!

  18. Here's the NY Public Officers Law section that pertains (and that Aubertine voted for...). Could it be more clear?

    § 73. Business or professional activities by state officers and employees and party officers.

    14. (a) No statewide elected official, state officer or employee, member of the legislature or legislative employee may participate in any decision to hire, promote, discipline or discharge a relative for any compensated position at, for or within any state agency, public authority or the legislature.

    Read the rest here:


  19. Here's the penalty for violating the anti-nepotism law:

    18. In addition to any penalty contained in any other provision of law, any person who knowingly and intentionally violates the provisions of subdivisions two through five, seven, eight, twelve or fourteen through seventeen of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty in
    an amount not to exceed forty thousand dollars and the value of any gift, compensation or benefit received in connection with such violation. Assessment of a civil penalty hereunder shall be made by the state oversight body with jurisdiction over such person. A state oversight body acting pursuant to its jurisdiction, may, in lieu of a civil penalty, with respect to a violation of subdivisions two through five, seven or eight of this section, refer a violation of any such
    subdivision to the appropriate prosecutor and upon such conviction such violation shall be punishable as a class A misdemeanor.

  20. Thanks for the specifics on the law anon. That should be pretty clear language for Darrel to follow. "It's a big world out there," as our new friend, Mr. Gorman, would attest.

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