Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bowling for Socialism?

Bowling for Socialism?

Gov. Patterson's latest is right out of the Michael Moore playbook, except this time it's the Democrats who want to tax all the bowlers of New York State. So much for trying to promote economic development in the North Country! Now the Gov. wants to tax us for knocking down the pins. Bowling has always been a favorite past-time for Americans. It is one of the first sports known to man, invented by the ancient Egyptians.

Here is the story in the Daily Gazette titled,Bowlers rallying to battle Paterson “fun tax”

A few quotes from the piece here:

"The already struggling owners of local bowling alleys across the state are warning their businesses are at risk from Gov. Paterson’s plan to start charging sales tax on admissions. The new tax could even jeopardize the state’s ability to attract national competitions for the sport, as New York would become just one of a handful of states charging the tax. (In this region, only Vermont charges tax on bowling fees.)

'Most of the businesses are family-owned and we are an industry already hard-hit by many state mandates, such as the smoking legislation, and by competition with gaming centers,' said Kathy Leitgeb of the NYS Bowling Proprietors Association. 'We have heard many people say they would quit bowling if there was a sales tax on their games.'

The 'fun tax' is one of more than 140 new taxes and fees that Paterson addede to his budget proposal that will cost an average New York family more than $3000 a year."

First the Democrats pass a trillion dollar federal spending bill, now they tax us to death on all things fun in New York. What's next? Why to drive out small family-owned businesses from Upstate New York. Rumor has it that some members of the NYSBPA are considering moving to another state now. That'll sure help put us into further debt and lower our tax base on the state and local levels.

This should for certain count as a STRIKE against New York Democrats!!!


  1. STRIKE.

    wonder what the local bowling allies think of this garbage.

  2. what else is there to do in upstate new york besides bowling (and smoking)?

    that's so mean.

  3. Taxes are no fun at all.

  4. It was either bowling, hockey, or golf...

    You know why he can't tax basketballs and baseball bats.

    Opps, did that go to far?

  5. Taxes on everything. Don't these people ever think to lower spending?
