Tuesday, June 24, 2008

At Least He is a Better Liar Than Spitzer

Unbelievable. Unfathomable. Incredible. Inconceivable. ... ... ...

The latest reversal in stories by the Watertown Daily Times this week as they relate to the Darrel Aubertine saga was something else I'll tell ya. Here is how it played out from the start...
On Saturday, the Times prints a positive piece about how Aubertine is such a man of the people that he turned down a high paying energy job. They made Aubertine out to be some sort of populist-hero from the Obama generation. Aubertine's office is quoted as saying:

"'I was offered the opportunity to serve as NYPA chairman last week,' Sen. Aubertine said. 'I'm certainly very, very flattered to not only have been considered, but to have been offered the position. After discussions with my family and friends, my decision was to keep my commitment to the people of the 48th Senate district.'"

Then comes his politician spin (i.e. "We need to stay focused on the issues at stake in the this session of the legislature and not let this story distract us... [because I lied and I don't want people to think about me lying...]").

We also find out days later that it was all a lie and that Aubertine was never really offered the NYPA job. The LUV-GOV2, Gov. David Patterson, responded in today's WDT print regarding Aubertine's alleged refusal to take the job or that it was even offered by Patterson's administration. The story goes on to say:

"Conflicting reports emerged Monday afternoon over whether the governor tried to lure a north country state senator into his administration.

In a press conference at the state Capitol, Gov. David A. Paterson said emphatically that he did not offer Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine, D-Cape Vincent, a job at the New York Power Authority.

'That's a good question,' the governor said in response to a reporter. 'I didn't offer him a job. I don't believe anyone in my office did. That's his (Aubertine's) interpretation.'

So did the governor mean to suggest that the senator was lying?

'Didn't I say 'interpretation'?' Gov. Paterson replied, insisting he didn't know why Mr. Aubertine would have gotten the impression he had been offered the position.

'The same reason you got the idea that I said he was lying, when I said it was his interpretation. He misunderstood, I guess,' Gov. Paterson said. 'But I don't know the reason. I haven't actually seen Darrel in the month of June or the month of May. I haven't seen him in a long time.'"

So here we learn that Aubertine lied about being offered the job in the first place.

Here is what people need to know.... Not only is Aubertine at odds with NYS Senate Ethics for illegally hiring his own sister, he is also a liar. And a bad liar at that. I guess we should give ol' Aubertine some credit though; at least he can cover it up better than his old pal, Eliot Spitzer.

Meanwhile, the Watertown Daily Times fails to mention his competitor on the GOP side. So we'll name him here... David Renzi. Renzi comes from a fine family in Watertown that has made its name in medicine, law, and business. We have quite a stark contrast in candidates for the 48th Senate District this year. On the one hand we have Aubertine, who is a piss-poor representative that breaks the same ethics laws he votes for, who lies about being offered a cozy job in order to make himself look good, and who has a poor relationship with the current Democratic Governor. On the other hand we have a fresh, young, vibrant leader named Renzi who comes from a respectable family. Renzi is ready and able to make the tough, but important, reforms in Albany that will benefit our community.

The choice is patently clear to all of us here in the North Country. David Renzi is our guy for the 48th New York State Senate seat come this November!

Have a great day and please tell your friends to check out the Good Old Boys on the web at: www.upstategoodoldboys.blogspot.com.


  1. Aubertine lie? You are just figuring this out now?

    How funny...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Geezz... you guys really know how to hit Aubertine where it hurts. Good thing he didn't take the job (i know, i know -- he wasn't really offered it). Because if he were offered it and he were to have taken it you guys would have a field day with Addie J. Russell who is running for Assembly.

    Knowing Addie, she is probrably counting her lucky stars that Aubertine is making these slip ups and not her right now. Who in their right minds would want to be submitted to the wrath and criticism of UGOB? :-P

  4. One person is lying, either Patterson, a snake from New York City who has been the bridge between Sheldon Silver and Joe Bruno for quite a while, or Darrel Aubertine, a farmer from Northern New York.

    My money is the guy from New York City is lying because Aubertine told the truth and hurt Patterson with his own party, while Aubertine was able to help either of his high profile friends who want Patterson's job. Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton.

    If Patterson doesn't want Democratic control of the State Senate, or more importantly, doesn't want a powerful upstate New York Senator, i.e. Darrel if the Democrats take the majority, which is looking ever more likely, then Darrel becomes more powerful by telling the truth about the offer. He would also become more powerful if the statement wasn't true, because it hurts Patterson inside the Democratic party, and opens up the possibility of a primary challenge in 2010 by Andrew Cuomo or Hillary Clinton, which means that when Patterson leaves, two people who Darrel has a better relationship with likely end up Governor, and Darrel becomes EVER MORE important in the Senate.

    Regardless of the truthfulness of Darrel's statement, he has made a serious power play that means he WILL BE A POWER PLAYER in the State Senate in January if the Democrats win in November, which again is looking ever more and more likely.

    This is GREAT for OUR DISTRICT. Having a power player State Senator is ALWAYS GOOD FOR US.

  5. Aubertine is hardly a power player. Aubertine is a fence rider and leans what ever way he feels is good for Darrel. As Darrel has stated in the past "I saw a chance of a lifetime and I took it"

  6. Aubertine is a joke. I can't remember the last time I've seen a politician this transparent. If he spent half as much time working for the North Country as he does concocting lies to bolster his pathetic image maybe he would have gotten something worthwhile done by now.

  7. corrupt & a liar? i can't take it anymore. it is too much!

  8. One report said this...

    But here’s where it gets interesting. At least three newspapers all report the same thing: Several sources within the Democratic party say there was a job offer, and Aubertine turned it down.

    They speculate that Paterson’s staff made an offer to Aubertine as part of a concession to Joe Bruno to get Bruno to go along with the school property tax cap.

    Strange days, indeed.

  9. Man, if there is one thing conservatives are expert on...it's lying.

  10. what a pointless, uninformed posting. a highly enjoyable read...keep it up!

  11. Aubertine gets elected because the Republican leaves the job without fulfilling his election promise to serve out the term so he can make even more money, and conservatives have a problem with the man who is doing the job? go figure..
