Photo above (L to R): Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, Laura Meyers, chair of the Western New York Chapter of Planned Parenthood Advocates of New York, JoAnn M. Smith, a member of Planned Parenthood Advocates Board of Directors, and Senator David Paterson
This week the St. Lawrence County Conservative Party made its political endorsements. We weren't suprised when we saw several Republicans listed, but then... we saw RINO, DeDe Scozzafava. Shocking, I know!
Puzzled, we wondered to ourselves why in the world would the St. Lawrence County Conservative Party and our friends, Hank Ford and Judy Wendt, put themselves in such an awkward position by endorsing Scozzafava, who is the pure pedigree of a RINO. They are sure to lose all credibility among their base.
My friends, I assure you that this is politics at its finest hour.
Did the conservatives feel compelled to endorse RINO-DeDe for her radical views in favor of same sex marriage? Was it her conservative voting rating in the 30s, 40s, and 50s? No it couldn't have been because the last time I had a math quiz anything below a 65 was an F...
Or better yet, was it for this quote our ol' gal DeDe signed onto that really encouraged our conservative friends??? -- "I promise to insure the rights of all women in New York State to control their own reproductive lives, including the right to safe, legal abortion." What I am trying to say is that the conservatives endorsement of DeDe is repulsive and embarrasing. It would be like Hillary Clinton pushing Dick Cheney for Obama's VP, over herself. HA!
But this endorsement brings us to a more serious subject that needs to be opined upon. Many in UpState NY don't know that RINO-DeDe has worked tirelessly to kill the unborn while in the NYS Assembly. And while the NYS Republicans should be proud that only 5 Assembly members of its GOP delegation have signed onto this blood-stained document for the National Organization of Women, it is true that DeDe was one of 5 Republicans in a body of 150 Assembly members who pledged to promote pro-abortion policies. Someone should tell her how many abortions happen each year in her hometown of Gouverneur.
That might shock her...
Perhaps that is why the St. Lawrence County Conservative Party was so inspired to make their ringing endorsement of DeDe this week (But we here at UGOB sincerely hope that is not the reason why they endorsed Scozzafava. Because if it is, the conservatives are sure going to have a lot of angry grassroots people in their ranks.). Then again, it could be that the Conservative Party believed DeDe EARNED their endorsement. After all, Pro-Abort DeDe sure earned the endorsement of Planned Parenthood Advocates of New York, a radical pro-abortion group that supported Clinton, Spitzer, and now Obama. And according to Project Vote Smart site, Scozzafava believes that "abortions should always be legal." She even won a 100% pro-choice rating from Planned Parenthood, a true feat in and of itself.
So now it seems that the oneous is on the Jefferson County Conservative Party...
It is our hope and prayer that they will not tango with their "so-called" conservative friends to the East when they make their endorsements public next week. If the Jefferson County Conservative Party withheld its endorsement from Scozzafava, it would send a real clear signal that conservative social values are important in UpState New York and that the Conservative Party still means something. Heck, maybe the county Republican Parties could learn a thing or two from a move like that. Here's to hoping...
We also hope that Mike Long might chime in and let Mr. Ford in on the secret that pro-abort, RINO DeDe ain't no conservative.
If DeDe will support the slaughter of innocent young children for cheap political points then next thing you know we might see her public support for Obama & Co. That would be an interesting dilemma for the Conservatives in St. Lawrence County. Wouldn't it? Anyways, DeDe's new trophy should go nicely on the wall with the one her brother Tom won by cheating everyone through his Seaway Valley Capital gig.
PS - DeDe... if you read our blog please clarify for us what you mean by the words you support a woman's right to an abortion. For example, is this what you mean? -- As it is described by an abortionist in the US Supreme Court: "The doctor grips a fetal part with the forceps and pulls it back through the cervix and vagina, continuing to pull even after meeting resistance from the cervix. The friction causes the fetus to tear apart. For example, a leg might be ripped off the fetus as it is pulled through the cervix and out of the woman. The process of evacuating the fetus piece by piece continues until it has been completely re-moved." (US Supreme Court, Gonzales vs. Carhart, April 18, 2007, describing the D&E procedure).
Is this what you mean by an abortion procedure that you believe should be legalized in New York State? Is this what you mean by an abortion?
OK, okay... ok. I know that words can't adequately explain what you mean by your support for abortion so maybe this will help.
St. Lawrence Conservatives - please let us know... is this something you want to endorse next time around?